WindowBlinds theme/skin creator.
About time !
Published on August 20, 2011 By neone6 In Community


-One of the Communitys most Wanted, Loved & hated & Is Finally in the air !


Kitty Has now officially left Brisbane, Australia, and as incredible as it sounds are coming to live with me in Stockholm, Sweden by the Northern lights. She is probably in the air coming down to change planes in Singapore as I´m writing this. I know most don´t give a rats bum about this, but also know for a fact some do ! I´m writing this thread just because I´m SO HAPPY and also think it got some  news value to the community. I for one think it will be interesting from alot of perspectives when it comes to desktop customization too in the future, we´re living together, 2 Crazy artists....

So, Now It´s Official -Kitty´s in the air !


Comments (Page 8)
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on Sep 09, 2011

Did my first artwork of Andy today.... very proud of it! (he lurrrved it!!!) I thought about uploading it.......but i just cant bare myself to share this with anyone!! lolz

hes just too gorgeous to share........

Now this is a fucking rock god...!!!!!!!!!!


on Sep 09, 2011

Very nice work, Vampothika. Keep 'em comin'.

I always sucked at doing portraits, but you certainly don't.

What did you use to paint it, if you don't mind me asking? I'm looking at buying a graphic tablet next year, because paint is getting to be too expensive for me.

on Sep 09, 2011

thankyou starcandy.

i used photoshop and the smudge tool

on Sep 09, 2011

My one and only attempt at 'painting' [sketching] with a mouse.

If anyone wonders who it is it's a guy called Jark [Scott Jarkoff] who founded .


One day I really 'should' get a proper tablet......

on Sep 09, 2011

WOW, Kitty!  Just...WOW!

on Sep 09, 2011

My one and only attempt at 'painting' [sketching] with a mouse.

Excellent compared to mine...  

Can't draw with a mouse... feels wrong, somehow. 

on Sep 09, 2011

on Sep 09, 2011

Drawings > Unsorted" href="">

My one and only attempt at 'painting' [sketching] with a mouse.

If anyone wonders who it is it's a guy called Jark [Scott Jarkoff] who founded .


One day I really 'should' get a proper tablet......

Wow... I think that´s GOOD actually !  Ánd I´m NOT trying to butter you up or something !  Did you do that with a MOUSE ?? !

-And about the tablet... I consider myself quite Good at drawing, and being used to Airbrush and all, I must say that even that I can´t for the life of me get used to it... -HARD !

on Sep 09, 2011

i feel the same about the tablet, i bought one last year and i tried soooo hard to use it, but nup! it left me totally unco-ordinated...

so i ended up porning it in cashies, as you do when your hard up for cigs and cola.....

when i get a hold of a decent drawing pad and some chinagraph, im gonna do this pick again and frame it. ill upload that one too.

i might go charcole yet......not sure.

on Sep 09, 2011

Did my first artwork of Andy today.... very proud of it! (he lurrrved it!!!) I thought about uploading it.......but i just cant bare myself to share this with anyone!!

Don't look now, Kitty, but you just did. lolz   


on Sep 10, 2011

I just can't bare myself

And probably just as well, kitty.... I mean, nudity just ain't tha done thing 'round these 'ere parts, is it? 

Anyhow, what's a little misspelling... er, Zubish between friends. 

As for the portrait of Andy, kitster, top notch, very good.

on Sep 10, 2011

killer work kitty.

on Sep 10, 2011

Your talent just blows me away , Kitty!!    You are phenominal ! Awsome job

on Sep 10, 2011

Did you do that with a MOUSE ?? !

Yes...probably mechanical back then [not laser/optical]...'real' sketching doesn't use an eraser [I do it in ink] so this is 'warts and all'....

on Sep 10, 2011


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