Can we please get some valid information about Iconpackackager for Windows 10.
-Will there be an update ?
(If this has been answered somewhere else I haven't seen it)
lurking for months to finally hear something about IP Got mail reneweal was more expansive than buying a completely new OD packageGood thing that i wasn´t to tempted to click purchase after reading about all of the issues in topicsSO my question is what about IP? Do i have to wait another 6 months for more info or can you guys leak some?
Personally I uninstalled ICONPACKAGER and I turn to CUSTOMIZER GOD - that let me modify the Windows 10 ugly icons. I recommend it meanwhile we wait for a possible new IP version for Windows 10.
HOOLLY JESUS! Thanks buddy! You made my day! All my customers are hungry for new icon themes for Windows 10.
Has anything changed with the process of creating an icon package? Just curious as there hasn't been a new icon package for almost a year.
Are there any tutorials for creating a full, complete Win10 Icon set?